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Astek konferencija Beograd
4th International Conference on Assistive Technologies and Communication

Participate online or in person

  • November 4-5, 2022.
  • +381 (63) 204-063,

    Conference Program

    Venue: Hall in front of the Donji Dorćol congress hall

    from 9:15
    Opening of the exhibition of graphics and installations for the visually impaired and visually impaired "KEEP IN TOUCH" Author: Milan Ignjatović

    09:30 - 10:00
    Registration, welcome coffee, conversation with the author of the exhibition

    10:00 - 11:00
    Poster session
    Participants who follow the work of the Conference online, after receiving the link, will be able to visit the virtual poster exhibition and ask their questions.

    from 10:45
    For participants following the Conference live: Accreditation through digital conference ID cards and entry into the hall

    from 10:50
    For participants following the Webinar online: Log in to the ZOOM application based on the received link and join the work of the Conference

    10:50 - 11:00
    Promotional block

    Opening of the work of the Conference and introductory speeches by representatives of the Board and invited guests.

    Moderator: Prof. Milica Janković


    This presentation gives an overview of the current understanding of the nosology, neuropsychology, and neurobiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition presenting with the main core symptom domains of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, but with vast heterogeneity in the expression of these symptoms, overlapping with other disorders, associated comorbidities, treatment response, neurocognitive abilities, and outcomes of adaptive functioning. Currently, there is no consensus reached regarding what kinds of dimensions capture ADHD best and the level they should be measured at, i.e. reported symptoms, cognitive tests, brain imaging, or other neurobiological markers. A classical cognitive profile of ADHD is characterized by deficits across all attention modalities, processing speed, executive function (mainly working memory and inhibition with emphasis on reward delay and interference control), verbal memory, reading skills, social cognition, and arithmetic abilities. Neurophysiological studies suggest that a reduced amplitude and longer latency of the inhibition-related P3 component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) could be a marker of ADHD. Broader-scale connective and network dysfunctions have been found to be central in ADHD pathophysiology, with pharmacotherapy as the most efficacious in normalizing functional connectivity. Patients with ADHD have consistent functional abnormalities in distinct domain-dissociated right hemispheric fronto-basal ganglia networks, including the inferior frontal cortex, supplementary motor area, and anterior cingulate cortex for inhibition and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, parietal, and cerebellar areas for attention.


    Dejan is a child psychiatrist, specialist for neuropsychology, and research associate affiliated with the Clinic for neurology and psychiatry for children and youth, Belgrade, Serbia and the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. His main research interests are cross-cultural psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and pharmacoeconomics, with the main published works focused on psychometrics, cross-cultural scale validation, pediatric quality of life, epilepsy, anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. The main clinical expertise is diagnosing and treating neurodevelopmental disorders. Dejan is a co-leader of the International Child Mental Health - Study Group (ICMH-SG) and a co-founder of the Autism Spectrum Disorder International Consortium (ASDIC), two organizations aiming to bridge knowledge gaps in child and adolescent mental health research in undeveloped and developing countries.


    Technology has revolutionized medicine, but its limited use in education has impeded its progress.

    Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are lifelong developmental neurobiological and usually hereditary disabilities, which frequently overlap. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability of the written language, including dysorthography. Its fundamental diagnostic criterion is the lifelong very slow reading speed, irrespective of language, race or culture.

    Internationally, he diagnosis of ADHD is very subjective and inaccurate as it is based on questionnaires that are filled out by teachers and mainly by parents, while the diagnosis of dyslexia is based on subjective=inaccurate, language specific psycho-educational reading and writing tests and the earliest it can be done with limited certainty is after the middle of the 2nd grade. On the contrary, PAVLIDIS TEST is not based on writing or reading, but on the objective- biological ophthalmokinesis and achieves an Accurate Biological Prognosis and Diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD from Preschool age, via sophisticated photo-electronic technology. Therefore, it can be used internationally irrespective of language, culture or race from Preschool age.

    It is never too late for the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia and ADHD, but the earlier the better and biological technology is the answer.


    Internationally acknowledged authority in Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and in Ophthalmokinesis (eye movements).

    - Professor of Psychology and Learning Disabilities for more than 44 years in departments of Psychology, Schools of Education and in Medical Schools of well-known Universities in England, Greece and USA.

    - Inventor of the unique internationally, accurate, objective, biological prognostic from the Preschool Age and diagnostic test for Dyslexia and ADHD, internationally known as ‘PAVLIDIS TEST’.

    - Families from 5 continents and 44 countries visit his centers (see

    - His invention was acquired by well-known universities, e.g. Harvard, Penn State, Boston, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, etc

    - Director of research grants and Founder and Director of Dyslexia and Ophthalmokinesis Labs in universities in England, Greece and USA.

    - INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION: For his scientific contribution, he was awarded many honorary titles and awards included: WHO IS WHO IN THE WORLD, WHO IS WHO IN AMERICA, WHO IS WHO IN GREECE, WHO IS WHO IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, etc

    - Chairman of 20 international scientific conferences and of all the World Congresses of Dyslexia, from 1983.

    - Publications He has more than 230 scientific publications in journals, international conferences, congresses, including 4 books in English, published by the well-known J. Wiley’s & Sons.

    - Invited International lectures and Guest-Keynote Speaker in hundreds of conferences, scientific societies, as well as in many research institutes and universities.
    12:40 - 12:55 Break


    The ASTEK conference directed its focus on the needs of people with specificities in development and ways of achieving communication, which points to the necessity of connecting different scientific disciplines. Of particular importance is the synergy of achievements in the fields of linguistics, psychology, speech therapy, special education and electrical engineering, both in the field of research and the application of new knowledge. In this presentation, the group of authors considers a viewpoint suitable for a more complex understanding of causality in the process of psycholinguistic development of children with developmental disabilities. The traditional, more complex perception of the legality of communicative and cognitive development found its support in the examination of various deviations caused by physiological or environmental factors. For over two decades, in the field of development and education of children with difficulties, topics that are more value-judgment than scientific in nature have been brought up to date. For these reasons, as well as the fact that we are witnessing the time of rapid development of electronic technology and digital systems, new solutions point to the necessity of modernizing diagnostics and treatment in the field of psycholinguistics in the Serbian-speaking area. The Serbian tongue is singled out primarily because of the need to prepare a battery of tests and linguistic markers for testing and encouraging the development of oral communication, natural gestures and sign language. In relation to this, it is important to review the neurodevelopmental aspects of language and cognitive development, as well as the development of protocols and standards for monitoring neurotypical development, and on the basis of that, registering deviations from neurotypical development.


    Gordana Nikolić, special educator, Full professor at the Faculty of Education in Sombor. At undergraduate and master studies, she leads courses on the development and inclusion of children with disabilities, as well as the application of technologies in development. She is the co-author of the method of integral development of deaf children, which was also applied as a project in work with the children in autistic spectrum. Research topics are Serbian sign language, communication and cognition in children with developmental disabilities, strategic planning.

    Vanja Ković completed bachelor studies in the field of psychology in Novi Sad, master's and doctoral studies in the field of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford. She works as a Full professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. She is a member of the Laboratory for Neurocognition and Applied Cognition, where she works on behavioral, ERP and eye-tracking and multimodal experiments.

    Milica Janković is Associate professor at University of Belgrade-School of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Laboratory for Biomedical Instrumentation and Technologies. Her research interests are in the field of multimodal acquisition and analysis of physiological signals and human motion, as well as medical image analysis.

    Natalija Panić Cerovski is an Associate Professor in General Linguistics in the Department of General Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology – University of Belgrade. Her research interests are mainly in the field of Discourse Analysis and Conversation Analysis, including prosodic features, discourse markers, relation between verbal and nonverbal level of communication. She is the member of the Council of Centre for Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology, and the member of professional associations: Applied Linguistics Association of Serbia (ALAS), Societas linguistica Europaea.
    13:25-13:40 Block of promotional films
    13:40-13:45 Moderator: Closing the morning session
    13:45-15:10 Lunch break
    Moderator: Prof. Vanja Ković


    Currently there is a total lack of personalized coaching solutions for people with balance disorders to engage in balance and gait physiotherapy and increase physical activity. The hologram-based balance physiotherapist (BPH) is a system of software and devices which provides patients opportunity to receive personalized exercise instructions as well as feedback. There are two versions: the smartphone where user wears a head mounted adapter to have a smartphone at a set location on the head of the user and 3D HoloBox where highly efficient holographic foil and high lumen projector are used to create the best possible 3D experience without using any type of device on the patient side for presentations purposes. The sensors are attached to the patient body in both cases. The Virtual Coach interface represents the main link with the whole Holobalance platform by providing feedback in a user-friendly manner, which is initiated by the information from the edge computer or cloud platform. This allows improved user experience, through more realistic avatar, making possible to organize a specially adapted room for the setting. We hope that this 3D augmented reality hologram can contribute for everyday balance physiotherapist program at hospital and home, especially for ageing population with balance disorders.

    Acknowledgements This paper was supported by the EC HORIZON2020 769574 HOLOBALANCE project. This abstract reflects only the author's view. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


    Nenad D. Filipovic is Rector of University of Kragujevac, Serbia, full Professor at Faculty of Engineering and Head of Center for Bioengineering at University of Kragujevac, Serbia. He was Research Associate at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, US. His research interests are in the area of computational mechanics, biomedical engineering, cardiovascular disease, fluid-structure interaction, biomechanics, bioinformatics, virtual and augmented reality, biomedical image processing, machine learning, medical informatics, multi-scale modeling, software engineering, parallel computing, computational chemistry and bioprocess modeling. He is author and co-author 11 textbooks and 7 monographies, over 400 publications in peer review journals and over 10 software for modeling with finite element method and discrete methods from fluid mechanics and multiphysics. He also leads a number of national and international projects in EU and US in area of bioengineering and software development.

    He is Director of Center for Bioengineering at University of Kragujevac and leads joint research projects with Harvard University and University of Texas in area of bio-nano-medicine computer simulation. He also leads a number of national and international projects in area of bioengineering and bioinformatics. He is Editor in Chief for EAI Endorsed Transaction on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Managing Editor for Journal of Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, President of Serbian Society of Mechanics and member of European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) and IEEE member.

    Keywords: biomechanics, bioinformatics, machine learning, biomedical image processing, medical informatics, multi-scale modeling, software engineering.

    Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janjica 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Email:


    Creativity is at the heart of daily life activities and is one of humanity’s most defining characteristics. All the innovations that have drastically changed our way of life, from the telephone, the internet, spaceships, to works of art, would not exist without creativity. Besides, creativity is no longer exclusively associated with artists and inventors; it has risen to become one of the most sought-after soft skills for companies in the twenty-first century. Nonetheless, we have a limited understanding of how creativity operates: new ideas often seem to emerge out of nowhere. What if we were able to summon our creative muse at will? In this lecture, we will examine how the transition from wakefulness to sleep, as we are about to fall asleep, could constitute such a doorway into creativity. Our research found, for instance, that sleeping for only one minute increased the likelihood of solving a problem by threefold. In the future, tools may be developed to precisely target this creative sweet spot and wake us up in time to capture insightful impressions before they disappear into the limbo of sleep.


    Célia Lacaux recently completed her doctorate at the Paris Brain Institute located in the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France. Her doctoral dissertation, directed by Dr. Delphine Oudiettte and Prof. Isabelle Arnulf, focused on the relationship between sleep and creativity. Her work is published in scientific journals and was covered by national and international media. She is now about to continue this line of research as a post-doc in Sophie Schwartz's team in Switzerland.
    16:05-16:15 Block of promotional films
    16:15-16:25 Break


    Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show difficulties in using sentence context to identify the correct meaning of ambiguous words, such as homonyms. This talk will cover a study that investigates the neural basis of sentence context effects on the understanding of individual words and semantic ambiguity resolution during reading in individuals with ASD and in typically developing (TD) individuals, using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Possible effects of the delay of language onset on semantic processing in individuals with ASD is also examined and discussed. Results on the event related field responses at early (150 ms after the onset of a final word) and N400 latencies will be presented for three different types of sentence final words: dominant homonyms, subordinate homonyms, and unambiguous words, from 44 participants (N=22 and mean age = 20 years for each participant group). Findings of this study provide new evidence and support for differential neural mechanisms underlying semantic processing in ASD, and indicate that delayed language acquisition in ASD is associated with different lateralization and processing of language.


    Banu Ahtam is an Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and an Associate Scientific Research Staff at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH). She is also the Director of the Clinical Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Program at the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging & Developmental Science Center (FNNDSC) in BCH. Dr. Ahtam received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey. She received a Master of Science degree from the Experimental Psychology Department of the University of Oxford. She completed her doctoral studies at the Psychiatry Department in the University of Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar. For her doctoral project, she focused on language processing in autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children, using MEG, behavioral, and neuropsychiatric measures. Since 2011, Dr. Ahtam has been leading and working on important projects that will help us understand the brain structure and function of neurodevelopmental disorders using multimodal noninvasive imaging techniques at FNNDSC in BCH/HMS, where she also completed her post-doctoral fellowship. She is experienced in MEG, EEG, DTI, sMRI, and rs-fMRI, including protocol design, data acquisition, and statistical processing. She is also deeply familiar with pediatric neuroimaging research of neurodevelopmental disorders and has a strong background in neuropsychological measures.


    There is an inconsistent level of quality and student support at the many mandatory assistive technology centers located throughout California’s large community college system (CCC). While US laws mandate accommodations and funding for servicing disabled students, outdated technology and a general lack of funding for new assistive technology is common. CCC Labs generally offer dated assistive technology and are short-staffed.

    A lack of qualified assistive technology staff is common. Few professional training programs in assistive technology and alternative media field exist. While the US technology sector has exploded with affordable assistive technology solutions, CCC labs lack the resources to update their technology with what college students now prefer: assistive mobile apps and devices, and wireless solutions. Uncertainty of future government funding continues to be a frequent issue at CCC’, resulting in the continued practice of spending a bare minimum on assistive support centers, instead of investing in them.

    Crafton Hills College’s Technology Success Center (TSC) re-opened in 2019. The author set a three-year plan to modernize and expand the TSC’s offerings, despite limited budget and staffing. The pandemic and moving to remote instruction presented new barriers, but also opportunities to reinvent current processes and implement non-traditional solutions. Key improvements were applied to the TSC lab operations. This action research explains initial challenges, applied solutions, key changes, and rationale behind new initiatives and implementations. The initial goal was to improve our disabled students’ experience, but evolved to include developing a model assistive technology lab “blueprint” to assist similar educational institutions.

    Acknowledgements The author’s research and recommendations were made possible by the college administrators continued support for new technological integrations, strategies and investments of the author’s assistive technology lab and programs, intended to support and improve learning for all our disabled student population. This abstract reflects only the author's views and experience. The San Bernardino Community College District is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


    Ms. Delahanty is the Alternative Media and Assistive Technology Specialist for the Student Accessibility Services Department (SAS) at Crafton Hills College (CHC) in Yucaipa, CA, US. Ms. Delahanty oversees all college production and remediation of braille, e-books Office files, and captions for CHC students in the college’s SAS department. MS. Delahanty is also a professional accessibility consultant advocate and presenter on accessibility remediation and related hardware and software solutions. Ms. Delahanty presently serves on multiple Technology committees at two colleges. Concurrently, Ms. Delahanty is a professor of technology & psychology at College of the Desert (COD) in Palm Desert, California, US. and is presently co-developing a new college accessibility course for a new Accessibility Certificate Program for Office 365 Professionals. Ms. Delahanty currently serves as a lead accessibility evaluator for COD’s mandatory online faculty teaching certification program, and specializes in accessible course evaluations, design, captioning and the creation of government compliant alternative media files in Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat PDFs and video/audio formats. In addition to providing training in adaptive technology for disabled college students and their instructors, Ms. Delahanty has over 20 years of prior teaching and technology experience at the university and secondary level, as well as teaching technology and web design to seniors and incarcerated populations. Prior to working fulltime in the education sector, Ms. Delahanty worked in various areas of the technology sector, including Chief Technology Officer for a large Publishing Corporation, as a Senior Computer-aided Drafter and Designer, and as an Industrial Designer at local architectural and design firms, and a Web Site Designer.
    17:15-17:30 Discussion
    17:30-17:40 Closing the work of the first Conference day

    Due to very high interest, the originally announced location of the second day of the Conference (at the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade) has been changed, so the second working day for invited participants will be held at the following location:

    Amphitheater 56 - "Nikola Tesla"
    Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73

    IMPORTANT: For all those who are not registered to participate on the second day, the organizers made sure that all three introductory motivational lectures for workshops will be "streamed" via the FB channel of the Conference Welcome!

    from 09:45 Gathering of Conference participants in the Nikola Tesla Amphitheater
    10:00 - 10:10 Opening of work


    Dr Jelena Sučević is a Researcher at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. She completed her undergraduate and master degrees at the Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade. As part of her master’s degree, she conducted a project that explored the impact of visual information on language processing, and was awarded Katarina Marić award for the best master thesis in cognitive science. During her master studies, Jelena was a visiting student at the University of Gottingen in Germany, where she learned about the experimental techniques used in studying early child development. Jelena completed doctoral studies at the University of Oxford, where she investigated learning abilities in infants and adults, and the impact of various factors on learning outcomes. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting student at the University of Zurich, where she studied the relationship between sleep and cognitive functioning in typically and atypically developing children. Jelena was a visiting scholar at the Harvard Medical School, where she conducted a computational modelling project that tacked the mechanisms of learning in healthy and patient populations. In her work, Jelena combines behavioural and neuroimaging methods, and computational modelling approach. She is dedicated to exploring and testing translational aspects of her research and making science open and accessible to the society.


    This workshop will focus on the development of tools for monitoring and assessment of communication skills. The workshop will bring together experts from various disciplines, such as psychology, mental health, psychiatry, engineering and special education. The aim of the workshop is to provide an interdisciplinary approach to designing precise, age- appropriate and user-friendly tools for the assessment of early communication skills. Developmental research shows that achievement on tests of cognitive and language skills in early years is related to later academic success at school. Therefore, there is a need to develop screening tools specifically optimised for working with young children. In this workshop, we aim to identify key skills that will benefit from monitoring, discuss opportunities and identify challenges in this domain. Another aim of this workshop is to explore how these monitoring tools can be used and developed beyond assessment, for gamification of these tools designing interventions programmes that could not only assess, but also support early development, especially in atypically developing children.

    Dragana Raičević Bajić was born in Belgrade. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade in 2006. She holds a Master's degree which was awarded to her by the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade in 2009. In 2014, she completed her master's studies in Cognitive and Functional Linguistics at KU Leuven, Belgium. She is at the end of her PhD studies at the University of Ghent, Belgium. The topic of her dissertation is Constituent Order in Serbian Sign Language.


    The presentation will cover the beginnings of modern sign language linguistics and modern sign language research abroad and in Serbia. I will mention some of the most important university and research centres which investigate sign languages in Europe, and some of these centres' major projects. Special attention will be paid to Serbian Sign Language, Serbian Sign Language users, regional variation of Serbian Sign Language, and sign language acquisition by deaf children compared to spoken language acquisition by hearing children. I will look at the lack of the natural language input from birth in deaf children, and at the quality of life of deaf people in the context of language and cognitive development. In conclusion, the access to accurate and complete information as one of the basic human rights will be highlighted. The access to information will be considered with respect to Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA) and the role of sign language interpreters in meeting the demands of LQA compared to modern technologies such as signing avatars. Key words: sign languages, Serbian Sign Language, sign language linguistics, Linguistic Quality Assurance, modern technologies


    Ljiljana Ranđić is a graduate psychologist who completed her basic studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The main field of interest and professional engagement is related to the field of reading, in which she made her innovative contribution by creating the Algo system for early/beginning reading. This is the only system in our region and beyond that is neuroscientifically based, harmonized with our orthography, empirically verified and confirmed in practice. The model is also a means of dynamic assessment, stimulation and re-education of reading skills, which also reflects its uniqueness. She is the author/co-author of articles that resulted from the empirical verification of the Algo system. In addition, she is interested in neuropsychological diagnostics of the developmental age, where she makes her contribution with a personological approach in which an exhaustive assessment with modern standardized tests is not reduced to a score or category, but to a unique cognitive profile of the child. Connecting neuropsychological knowledge with practice, she shapes cognitively stimulating development programs, among which is the Algo strategic method as well as cognitive skills training, aimed especially at increasing the functionality of working memory.


    Working memory is an operating system for temporarily holding data in order to perform operations on them. The concept of working memory was formulated by Baddeley and Hitch in an effort to explain the cognitive processes of data retention - which could not be explained by the concepts of short-term and long-term memory. The three-component model initially consisted of an executive component and two subordinate systems: the phonological loop and the visuospatial screen. The auxiliary systems corresponded to what until then was considered short-term memory in different modalities - verbal and visuospatial. The most important component is the central executor, which integrates the concept of attention within itself, and is neuroanatomically linked to the activity of the frontal lobe. Its basic tasks are related to shifting attention, monitoring and updating information, inhibiting responses and registering signs that warn of routine reactions. Baddeley subsequently added an episodic display that involves the inclusion and processing of information from long-term memory. In the developmental age, working memory is the key to the development of complex functions such as: speech, reading, but also all complex cognitive processes. In adulthood, it is a key factor in cognitive efficiency, and in late age, the decline in RM functionality is a key predictor of general cognitive deterioration. Although the concept of RM, paradoxically, is never directly connected with the concept of intelligence, it is empirically very much connected with intelligence, and for these purposes, tasks that represent it were created. The RM concept has not yet been fully operationalized within the framework of a standardized measuring instrument, but has found its partial "objective representations" within different batteries of tests. Modern technical-technological tools provide us with the opportunity to realize the ideal of a model that would incorporate training, aimed at strengthening RM, and the process of empirical monitoring of its effects with the aim of resulting in the standardization of an instrument that operationalizes the very concept of RM.
    10:55- 11:05 Break
    11:05-13:00 Workshop
    13:00-13:05 Break
    13:05-14:00 Defining the conclusions of the Conference
    14:00 Closing of the Fourth International Conference on Assistive Technologies and Communication
    4th International Conference

    Assistive Technologies and Communication

    • 4th November 2022. | Belgrade, Hotel Mona Plaza
    • 5th November 2022. | University of Belgrade – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    • +381 (63) 204-063,