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Astek konferencija Beograd
4th International Conference on Assistive Technologies and Communication

Participate online or in person

  • November 4-5, 2022.
  • +381 (63) 204-063,



    About ASTEK conference

    Dear colleagues,

    We invite you to the Fourth International Conference o n Assistive Technology and Communication (ASTEK), which will be will be held in Belgrade on November 4 and 5, 2022, and due to the ongoing epidemiological situation, this time it will be combined - traditionally in live format, but also in online format.

    The experiences of the previous three Conferences show that its primary idea of uniting all national resources in the field of assistive technologies, the stimulus for its more intensive application and contribution to the improvement of care for children with developmental disabilities and persons with disabilities have justified expectations and made it an expected traditional annual event. This year too, you will have the opportunity to attend the lectures of the most eminent experts in this field, both national and from the region as well as from Europe and the USA.
    From this year, the program also includes thematic workshops that will be held on the second day of the Conference, with invited participants (university teachers, researchers and students) from various professions: special education and rehabilitation, medicine, psychology, linguistics, electrical engineering. The purpose of the thematic workshops will be to formulate new, concrete proposals for the improvement and development of assistive technologies based on the presented existing practical solutions and new theoretical knowledge presented at the Conference.
    The aim of the conference is traditionally the promotion of new technological achievements in the field of assistive systems intended for children with developmental disabilities and people with disabilities in the synergy of relevant scientific and research institutions, professional associations, businesses and end users.
    The international character of the Conference signifies its positioning on the map of traditional annual manifestations and provides the participants with continuous monitoring and the information about the latest developments in the field in this field.
    The work of the Conference will include live and online lectures and presentations of manufacturers and distributors of equipment.
    Organizing Committee of the Conference
    4th International Conference

    Assistive Technologies and Communication

    • 4th November 2022. | Belgrade, Hotel Mona Plaza
    • 5th November 2022. | University of Belgrade – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    • +381 (63) 204-063,