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Astek konferencija Beograd
4th International Conference on Assistive Technologies and Communication

Participate online or in person

  • November 4-5, 2022.
  • +381 (63) 204-063,
    4th International Conference ASTEK

    ASTEK Speakers

    Suzanne Delahanty

    Alternative Media and Assistive Technology Specialist
    1. Technology Success Center (TSC)
    2. Crafton Hills College (CHC) Yucaipa California (CA), USA
    Prof. Nenad Filipović

    1. BioIRC, Bioengineering Research and Development Center, Kragujevac, Serbia;
    2. Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia;
    Prof. George Th. Pavlidis

    Scientific Director of 39 ‘DYSLEXIA CENTERS – PAVLIDIS METHOD’
    Professor of Psychology and Learning Disabilities in Schools of Psychology,
    Education and Medicine in well-known universities in England, Greece and USA
    Dr Dejan Stevanović

    Child psychiatrist, specialist for neuropsychology, and research associate affiliated with the Clinic for neurology and psychiatry for children and youth, Belgrade, Serbia and the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
    Dr Banu Ahtam

    Doctor of Phylosophy, Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Associate Scientific Research Staff at Boston Children’s Hospital, Director of the Clinical MEG Program at the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging & Developmental Science Center (FNNDSC) at Boston Children’s;
    Dr Célia Lacaux

    postdoctoral fellow at the Paris Brain Institute, French
    Prof. Gordana Nikolić

    University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Education in Sombor
    Prof. Vanja Ković

    University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy
    Prof. Milica Janković

    University of Belgrade – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    Prof. Natalija Panić Cerovski

    University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology
    Dr. Jelena Sučević

    postdoctoral fellow at the Oxford University BabyLab Center
    Dragana Raičević

    Master of Cognitive and Functional Linguistics, PhD candidate at Ghent University
    Ljiljana Ranđić

    psychologist, Algo Center for Early Reading
    4th International Conference

    Assistive Technologies and Communication

    • 4th November 2022. | Belgrade, Hotel Mona Plaza
    • 5th November 2022. | University of Belgrade – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    • +381 (63) 204-063,